Where Are Your Shoes?
The Key to Unlocking the Joy of Budgeting
My nearly two-year-old daughter loves being outside. Whether she’s digging in the dirt, rocking in her chair on the back porch, or being pushed in the tree swing by her big sister, her face lights up at the mention of going outdoors. The moment she hears we’re headed outside, she races through the house, grabs her shoes, and with a huge smile, brings them to me to put on. What amazes me the most is how she always knows exactly where her shoes are. She might forget where her water bottle is or misplace the cap to her marker, but her shoes? She finds them without fail—every time.
It’s Time for a Money Mindset Makeover!
Ready for a Makeover? Here’s How to Transform Your Financial Future!
When we think of finance, we think of numbers, right? Well, I’m here to tell that one of the most crucial aspects of personal finance has NOTHING to do with numbers! What could it be if it’s not about the numbers, you ask?